The culture wars in education and politics have created unprecedented stress for children, parents, educators, school boards, and community members nationwide. Polarizing debates over curriculum, school policies, and public funding are fueled by misinformation and heightened political tensions, often leaving people confused, overwhelmed, or alienated. These conflicts strain relationships, hinder collaboration, and divert attention from the shared goal of fostering an inclusive, high-quality educational environment for children.
External resources and third parties like Wilson Foxen, Inc. and our vetted associates are invaluable resources during volatile, emotional, and messy changes and conflicts. Our superpowers are helping YOU figure out the best path forward using discerning lenses and the objectivity, connections, and courage that comes from being someone outside your system. It’s human nature to believe that our own situation is 100% unique. The reality is that humans and groups have a lot of things in common. Leveraging someone with a fresh perspective can help you see new opportunities and even just realize that there are others navigating the same challenges.